The High Costs Of Homeschooling

??? Most people think that homeschooling is cheap since there is no need to pay for school fees and other miscellaneous fees. However, that is further than the truth. In truth, homeschooling expenses can be greater than if you send your child to a regular public school. Public schools are partially funded by government fund

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Education & Teaching – Language Acquisition

Brenda Geier K-12 Reading Specialist – The research tells us that with the support of parents, caregivers, and early childhood educators, as well as exposure to a literacy-rich environment, children progress from emergent to conventional reading. By interacting through reading aloud and conversation, children are expo

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The Heart of Soul

??? Hide and Seek is a wonderful game to play with your children. The next time you play this game observe what happens. If you are the person hiding your eyes and counting to 10, feel what happens to your heart as you look for your children. If you pay attention, my hunch is that your heart and imagination will heighten. S

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San Francisco Schools Get Unexpected Funds

??? One of the biggest issues for San Francisco Schools over the past few years has been declining enrollment. Since the state provides schools with a per pupil allotment of funds, the annual loss of about 800 students has cost San Francisco Schools about $7 million. Given the budget pressures its already dealing with, the

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